Recordati is a specialist Pharmaceutical Group which develops and delivers to the market innovative and valuable products which help enjoy a long, health and active life and improve its quality. Our success brings benefits not only to the patients, whose needs we fulfill, but also our partners – clients, shareholders, lawyers and their families.
Recordati, a company founded in 1926, is an international Pharmaceutical Group listed on the Italian Stock exchange (Reuters RECI.MI, Bloomberg REC IM, ISIN IT 0003828271). The company employs c. 4, 000 employees and focuses on research, development, production and sales of pharmaceutical products. The company headquarters is located in Milan, Italy. Recordati operates in most European countries, in Russia, in other countries of East-Central Europe, in Turkey, north Africa and in the USA. The company’s smart team of medical sales reps promotes a range of innovative drugs, developed through own research and development as well as obtained under license, applicable in many treatment sectors. We also have our own department dedicated to rare disease treatment. Recordati is often selected as a partner by the companies which offer new licenses for medicinal products. Recordati is committed to work on research and development of new specializations relating to the genitourinary system and treatment of rare diseases. In 2020 the company’s consolidated revenues amounted to 1,448.9 million euro and net income 355.0 million euro.